Physician InformationPatient Information

- Candice Silversides, MD
- Jack Colman, MD
- Angela Kennie
- Olga H. Balint, MD
- Natalie Bottega, MD
- Luke Burchill, MD
- Shital Ghandi, MD
- Matthias Greutmann, MD
- Jasmine Grewal, MD
- May Ling Mah, MD
- Anne McLeod, MD
- Mark Osten, MD
- Julie Robertson, MD
- Lucy Roche, MD
- Mathew Sermer, MD
- Samuel Siu, MD
- David Tanous, MD
- Daniel Tobler, MD
- Rachel Wald, MD
- Sergey Yalonetsky, MD
- Sing Yap, MD

  Samuel Siu MD

Dr. Siu is the City-Wide Chief of Cardiology at London Teaching Hospitals and Gunton Professor of Medicine and Chair of Cardiology, UWO since July 2007.

He received his MD degree from the University of Alberta in 1983 and did further training in Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. He did his clinical training at the Mayo Clinic, the New England Deaconess Hospital and the Massachusetts General Hospital. He was on the Faculty of the University of Toronto since 1992. His most recent position was as Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto. His clinical and research focus are in the areas pregnancy and heart disease, cardiac imaging, and adult congenital heart disease.

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