Physician InformationPatient Information

- Candice Silversides, MD
- Jack Colman, MD
- Angela Kennie
- Olga H. Balint, MD
- Natalie Bottega, MD
- Luke Burchill, MD
- Shital Ghandi, MD
- Matthias Greutmann, MD
- Jasmine Grewal, MD
- May Ling Mah, MD
- Anne McLeod, MD
- Mark Osten, MD
- Julie Robertson, MD
- Lucy Roche, MD
- Mathew Sermer, MD
- Samuel Siu, MD
- David Tanous, MD
- Daniel Tobler, MD
- Rachel Wald, MD
- Sergey Yalonetsky, MD
- Sing Yap, MD

  Mathew Sermer, MD

Dr. Sermer is a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Professor of Medicine at the University of Toronto, Canada. He is the Associate Chief of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Head of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital. He is also Head of the Medical Disorders of Pregnancy Program, Mount Sinai Hospital. In addition to serving as treasurer for ISOM, he is past president of NASOM. He did his Residency in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and his fellowship in Maternal Fetal Medicine at the University of Toronto. His clinical and research interests are in medical disorders complicating pregnancy, with emphasis on screening for GDM and cardiac disease in pregnancy.

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